Joy: Web framework with Clojure syntax, fast startup and low memory usage

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  • Joy: Web framework with Clojure syntax, fast startup and low memory usage

Joy is a web framework written in


for people who like clojure syntax, fast startup time and very low memory usage.

(import joy)

(defn home [request]
  (joy/render :text “You found joy!”))

(def routes [[:get “/” home]])

(def app (joy/handler routes))

(joy/server app 8000)

Joy starts up in milliseconds so you can get started (and restarted) without worrying
about restarting the repl and waiting… a while

Joy takes so little memory, you can run dozens (if not hundreds) of instances on a
cheap virtual private server

Joy is written with janet, a modern lisp with clojure-ish idioms, including data
literals and immutable data structures

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